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Permaculture School

The Permacultural School project - Education for the construction of sustainable societies consists of a pedagogical methodology that promotes environmental education in schools through the implementation of Permaculture and Agroecology subjects in the school curriculum.




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The methodology created by the Permacultura Lab Institute for the insertion of permaculture and agroecology in schools was certified as social technology by the Banco do Brasil Foundation and consists of the integration of sustainable development goals (SDGs), environmental education and sustainable practices into the school curriculum.

Permaculture and Agroecology are interdisciplinary sciences that develop techniques for building sustainable societies. Through classes that combine theory and practice, the methodology develops students' autonomy and creativity, promoting activities that stimulate reflection on socio-environmental issues and the collective construction of solutions.

The project was awarded a Social Technology certificate


Permacultural School is a weekly environmental education program aimed at high school students in the public school system.

By addressing broad themes related to permaculture and agroecology, social technologies capable of providing solutions for the territory are collectively developed. The activities developed in the classes seek to stimulate critical reflections on socio-environmental problems and the collaboration and autonomy of students to solve them.

The program also invites popular educators from the region to teach about these technologies that address issues such as waste management, lack of access to healthy food, lack of basic sanitation, lack of knowledge about ancestry and local history, etc.

The Permacultural School aims to connect young people to their territories through educational practices carried out in public educational institutions and encourage the creation of solutions in the territory and for the territory.

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