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Sowing Viable Unpublished Seeds Course: Agroecology and Permaculture for Educators

The course aims to complement the training in environmental education of teachers, educators in non-formal contexts and undergraduate students.



Geasur and Phi Institute


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Foram apresentados ao longo do curso reflexões e metodologias sobre agroecologia e permacultura em diálogo com a educação ambiental crítica.

Dessa forma, podemos passar um pouco do nosso processo pedagógicos comprometidos com a transformação social e a busca de caminhos para a superação da crise socioambiental.

Assista a apresentação do curso

The course was held online via the Google Classroom platform, comprised of 8 classes and lasted 2 months. The structure was divided into 3 modules:

Module 1

- Course presentation

- Causes and consequences of the socio-environmental crisis

- Environmental education, political ecology and decoloniality

- Introduction to environmental education

Module 2

- Critical environmental education for children

- Agroecology and permaculture in dialogue with Environmental Education

Module 3

- Student Voice

- Recognizing the territory

- Agroforestry

- Composting

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